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- From: tmahood@netcom.com (Tom Mahood)
- Subject: Lazar Timeline (1 of 2)
- Summary: A timeline of Bob Lazar's life
- Keywords: Lazar
- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 14:14:01 GMT
- As Assembled from Public Records and Statements
- Version 1.00, July 1994
- by
- Tom Mahood (tmahood@netcom.com)
- PART 1 OF 2
- This project began as an attempt to verify Robert Lazar's story of
- "vanishing records". What was uncovered was not only a multitude of
- records, but records that portray an individual and story very much
- at odds with that generally accepted. Some of these records appear
- to contradict statements made by Lazar.
- Every attempt has been made to make this document as accurate as
- possible. If any discrepancies are found, please direct them to the
- author for correction in any future versions. Likewise, if there
- are any readers with additional verifiable, public information,
- please pass it on.
- What follows is a summation of statements, interviews and records,
- arranged in chronological order, providing the framework of what is,
- by anyone's definition, a most interesting life. Please note the
- information presented here consists ONLY of public records. While
- it's highly likely detailed school transcripts (for example) exist,
- they are considered confidential and may not be released to the
- general public.
- The implications of Lazar's story are tremendous, and is worthy of
- detailed investigation. This information is being put forth as part
- of that effort, in the hopes it will provide researchers with areas
- for further study.
- A question may come to mind: Could some or all of these documents
- have been "planted" to discredit Lazar? It is certainly possible,
- as most things are. However, this would have entailed tampering
- with many reels of microfilm. Since none of the reels exhibited any
- splicing in the area of Lazar's records, the only way these records
- could have been planted would be to replace the entire reel. Also,
- the master reels from which the microfilms the public uses are made,
- would have to also be tampered with, even though they are stored in
- vaults. Furthermore, some of the documents available, such as
- divorce proceedings, are the actual documents complete with
- signatures. And throughout the files, the information appears to
- cross-correlate completely.
- Jan. 26, 1959 Robert Scott Lazar (RL) born in Coral Gables,
- Florida
- The location, Coral Gables, is given in Good's
- book. Good also states that George Knapp checked
- with the hospital RL claims to have been born at in
- Coral Gables and "..no records could be found." (1)
- The date is from RL's first marriage certificate,
- however only his State of birth is listed, not the
- city. (10)
- A note on birth records in Florida. There are
- usually 3 different locations birth records are
- kept. The first, the hospital of birth, is also
- the least reliable, since it not an "official"
- repository of records. Records may or may not be
- found there. The next source, which is very
- reliable, is the Health Department of the County of
- birth. However, the best and most comprehensive
- birth record source for the State of Florida is the
- State Department of Health and Rehabilitation
- Services, Vital Statistics, PO Box 210,
- Jacksonville, FL 322231-0042. (904) 359-6900
- (Recorded info). This location maintains copies of
- all birth records for the State, going back to
- 1917.
- However, as a result of a State statute enacted in
- 1987, all birth records in Florida are now
- considered confidential. Copies, or even
- information from certificates, may only be issued
- to the birth registrant, the parents or legal
- guardian, or a legal representative of the
- registrant. So it appears no one can verify the
- claim that RL's birth records have vanished without
- his written permission.
- 1974 Social Security number issued in New York State.
- RL's Social Security number and current address,
- while in the public records, have been deleted from
- this document in the interests of privacy. However,
- the SS # begins with 068 which indicates it was
- issued in the state of New York. It is possible to
- determine from the remainder of the SS # that it
- most likely was issued in 1974.
- August 1976 According to Stanton Friedman, RL graduated from W.
- Tresper Clarke High School (740 Edgewood Drive, East
- Meadow Union Free District) in Westbury Long Island,
- New York. His class standing was number 261 out of
- a class of 369. Further, according to Friedman,
- this would put RL in the bottom third of his class
- and entry into Cal Tech or MIT generally requires
- the student be in the top 10% of the class. (15)
- 1976 Claims to have attended Los Angeles Pierce College.
- (14)
- This has been confirmed by Stanton Friedman. After
- RL stated that one of his professors at Cal Tech was
- named "Duxler", Friedman located a William Duxler, a
- Math and Physics professor at Pierce College, who
- was able to determine that RL had taken at least one
- of his courses in the late 1970's. Druxler said he
- never taught at Cal Tech. (15)
- June 1977 RL's parents purchased a home at 20650 Martha Street
- in Woodland Hills, California. (OR 77-592189 thru
- 592191) (10)
- August 1978 RL's parents moved to 4914 Natoma Avenue in Woodland
- Hills. (OR 78-1030636 thru 1030638) (10)
- "1977 or 78" Claims to have attended Cal State University,
- Northridge, "for a short time for some classes",
- then on to CalTech. (14)
- "The Big T" is the student yearbook for CalTech. At
- the Millikan Library at CalTech, every page of every
- issue of "The Big T" from the year 1977 through 1982
- was checked. There is no photo or mention of RL
- anywhere in any of the activities, highly improbable
- were he a student there. Checking by George Knapp
- (1) and Stanton Friedman with the administration
- revealed no records of RL's attendance. Although
- Good reports Friedman has confirmed RL's attendance
- at Cal State Northridge, Friedman says this is not
- correct and he has not made any inquiries to Cal
- State Northridge. (1) (15)
- July 27, 1980 RL married Carol Nadine Strong in Woodland Hills,
- California.
- According to the marriage certificate, at the time
- of the marriage they were both living at 21619
- Strathern, #1, Canoga Park, California. The
- certificate list's RL's occupation as "Electronics
- Engineer" and his highest school grade completed as
- 12. RL's birthrate is listed as January 26, 1959 in
- Florida. Carol's occupation was listed as
- "Electronics Technician" and her highest school
- grade completed was also 12. Carol's date of birth
- was March 21, 1946, in California, making her 13
- years older than RL. The certificate lists this as
- the first marriage for both.
- Per the certificate RL's parents were Albert Lazar
- and Phyllis Berliner (maiden name), both born in New
- York state. Carol's parents were Harold Strong,
- born in California, and Verda Jones (maiden name),
- born in Colorado. The marriage was witnessed by
- Chee Leung of 1485 1/4 Scott Avenue in Los Angeles,
- and Lois Kurz of 15210 Sherman Way, #52, in Van
- Nuys. The marriage was conducted by Rabbi Bernard
- M. Cohen of 23300 Aetna Street in Woodland Hills,
- Calif. (Certificate # 1980 O-025327) (10)
- "Probably 1982" Date of claimed Masters Degree from MIT. (14)
- At Rachel-93, RL was asked for the year of his
- graduation from MIT and if he got a Ph.D. He
- replied, "No, it was a Master's degree. The year.
- What was the year of graduation? Probably eighty
- two because I think I left there and went to Los
- Alamos."
- Glenn Campbell checked the following sources at the
- Institute Archives at MIT (See reference 14):
- Student directories between 1978 and 1990,
- Faculty/Staff phone directories between 1978 and
- 1990, MIT Degree List between 1979 and 1980, and the
- 1989 MIT Alumni/ae Register. There was no listing
- of RL in any of these documents. (16) Stanton
- Friedman has also checked with the MIT Registrar's
- office and the Alumni office and has found no
- evidence of attendance. Friedman reports RL is not
- on the 1982 commencement list. (15)
- 1982 Listing in Los Alamos National Laboratory phone
- book, located by George Knapp. (8)
- Stanton Friedman states: "The phone book is not
- just from LANL but LANL, The Department of Energy,
- Kirk Meier (spelling uncertain) and others. The
- listing after Bob's name clearly shows K/M which
- means Kirk Meier and proves he did NOT work for
- LANL, but for a subcontractor. This seems
- appropriate since the Meson Facility mentioned in
- the Monitor article is a user facility with teams
- coming from all over to set up their equipment for
- experiments at the accelerators. As many as 1000
- people per year can go through there. They work at
- the Lab, NOT for the Lab. They do get listed in the
- phone directory. He apparently was a technician."
- (15)
- Strangely, the bankruptcy file (13) in 1986 does not
- show employment at LANL or Kirk Meier, only that of
- a self-employed photo processor.
- May 1982 According to the Los Alamos "Monitor", RL and Carol
- moved to Los Alamos from California. From the dates
- and addresses listed in the bankruptcy papers, it
- appears they settled in a rented duplex at 3964-B
- Sycamore and at some later date opened a photo
- processing business at 941-A 18th Street. (3) (13)
- June 27, 1982 Los Alamos "Monitor" article appeared about RL and
- his Honda jet car. (3)
- The article, which appeared on the front page,
- identifies RL as "..a physicist at the Los Alamos
- Meson Physics Facility." There are a total of four
- photos of what appear to be a Honda Civic hatchback
- (California license plate "JETUBET") with air scoops
- on the top and sides, and a jet nozzle protruding
- from the rear where the license plate would normally
- go. The article says the engine, composed of
- stainless steel and titanium, runs for 30 to 60
- seconds on liquid propane with a kerosene
- afterburner producing 800 pounds of thrust. Oddly,
- "The jet cannot get the car going from a dead
- stop..." and must be driven in the normal manner up
- to about 90 mph. There is no compressor and RL
- claimed it was "..the most efficient jet engine
- available. A standard jet uses six pounds of fuel
- for every pound of thrust; Lazar said he uses 1.3
- pounds of fuel for a pound of thrust." RL stated
- the car had been driven over 200 mph on a dry lake
- near Los Angeles.
- The article states the car "...attracts a lot of
- attention for the Lazars, who moved to Los Alamos
- about a month ago from California." From the
- article's descriptions of the Lazars' experiences in
- California, it appears they had been there for some
- time before coming to Los Alamos.
- June 28, 1982 Dr. Edward Teller gives a lecture at Los Alamos and
- RL claims to have met him prior to the talk as
- Teller was reading the previous day's story about RL
- and his jet car. (1) (3)
- The Los Alamos "Monitor" of June 29, 1982 reported
- on its front page that Teller spoke at length
- against the nuclear freeze movement in this country.
- The article also said the auditorium at LANL was
- packed.
- 1984 The bankruptcy papers show RL borrowed $4,000 from
- his mother (Phyllis S. Lazar) and, at the time of
- the bankruptcy filing, had repaid only $500. (13)
- 1985 Per the April 1994 issue of Omni magazine, "...while
- on vacation in Nevada, he (RL) wound up buying into
- a legal Reno brothel; the investment proved so
- profitable that he didn't have to return to full
- time employment for a while". Per Good, it was
- owned by RL and Carol, and called the "Honeysuckle
- Ranch" in northern Nevada. In the bankruptcy papers
- filed in 1986, no mention is made of any ownership
- of income from a brothel.
- 1985 According to the bankruptcy papers, RL purchased a
- 1984 Corvette for $19,000. Repaid only $550. It
- was repossessed in 1986 prior to the bankruptcy
- filing. (13)
- 1985 RL borrowed $15,000 from father (Albert M. Lazar),
- and had repaid only $1,000 by the time of the
- bankruptcy filing. (13)
- 1985 According to the bankruptcy papers, RL borrowed a
- total of $60,000 from Los Alamos National Bank,
- secured by a $7,900 1984 Honda. Repaid only $1,300
- by the time of the bankruptcy filing. (13)
- March 22, 1985 RL borrowed at least $12,000 from the Bank of Los
- Alamos for retrofit kits to the film printer(s) at
- his photo processing business and 300 rolls of 35mm
- film. Repaid only $300 by the time of the
- bankruptcy filing and the equipment was repossessed
- at some time prior to the filing. (13)
- May 7, 1985 According to the bankruptcy papers, RL and Carol
- borrowed $5,000 via a "3 Minute Loan" from Security
- Pacific Finance Corp. of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- (13)
- June 13, 1985 RL and Carol purchased a new home at 1933 Ann Greta
- Street in Las Vegas from R.A. Homes of Nevada (OR
- 2129:2088021). From the bankruptcy file and other
- documents, it appears Carol took up primary
- residence there and RL remained in Los Alamos. (11)
- 1986 Purchased 1985 Honda CRX for $9,000. Repaid only
- $300 by the time of the bankruptcy filing and was
- repossessed sometime in 1986, prior to the filing.
- (13)
- March 26, 1986 RL borrowed $2,000 from John Horne of Los Alamos for
- down payment on a jet car. As of March 2, 1987, the
- debt had not been repaid, according to the
- bankruptcy file. ( 13)
- April 19, 1986 RL married Tracy Anne Murk at the "We've Only Just
- Begun" Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.
- At the time, RL was apparently still married to
- Carol. No divorce proceedings were on file with the
- Clark County Clerk's office, and Carol's published
- obituaries and death certificate identified RL as
- her husband at the time. The minister at the
- wedding was William Sharp and the recorded marriage
- certificate was mailed to 1073 Cheyenne, Los Alamos.
- (OR 0765:0400067) (11)
- April 21, 1986 Carol died in Las Vegas. (4) (5)
- Carol Lazar's death certificate (# 001423-86) is on
- file with the Clark County Health District, 625
- Shadow Lane, Las Vegas, (702) 383-1223. The
- district will not release copies of certificates
- except to family members or in a few other special
- instances. However, the certificates are available
- for inspection by those with "legitimate interests".
- This would include journalists and researchers.
- According to data on the certificate, the death was
- ruled a suicide and the cause was carbon monoxide
- poisoning. The method was given as "Inhalation of
- motor vehicle exhaust". It occurred at 1933 Ann
- Greta. The case was referred to the Coroner, but no
- autopsy was performed.
- Quoting the obituary in the Las Vegas Review-
- Journal, April 23, 1986, Page 2B: "Carol Lazar died
- Monday. She was a two-year resident of Las Vegas
- and was a self-employed film processor in the
- photography industry. She is survived by her
- husband Robert of Las Vegas. Private services and
- burial were handled by Davis Funeral Home".
- April 1986 Per statements in the bankruptcy file, RL left Los
- Alamos and moved to Las Vegas. The addresses listed
- in those papers indicate he moved to the Ann Greta
- house. (13)
- July 21, 1986 RL voluntarily filed for a Chapter 7 (which is a
- liquidation) bankruptcy in Las Vegas citing "loss of
- business" and "death of spouse" as reasons.(Case BK
- 86-01623). (13)
- In the file, under penalty of perjury, RL stated his
- occupation was a Photo Processor, that he was self
- employed at his residence, and had been so for 6
- years. There was no mention of employment at LANL.
- When asked if he had been in a partnership with
- anyone or engaged in any business within the
- preceding 6 years, RL stated "No'. Within the
- preceding 2 years, RL stated the amount of income he
- received from his trade was "Unknown", that he had
- received no other income from other sources and had
- not filed tax returns for the period.
- RL stated that his records for the two years prior
- to July 1986, along with $15,000, had vanished with
- his accountant, Scott R. Maxwell of Santa Fe, who
- moved and left no forwarding address. RL said a
- police report on the incident was filed in Los
- Alamos.
- RL also stated no other person was holding anything
- of value in which he had an interest. There was no
- mention anywhere in the documents of ownership,
- either part or full, of a brothel.
- RL listed his monthly expenses for mortgage,
- utilities, food, car payments, etc., as totaling
- $2,360. He listed another monthly debt of $13,150,
- and although required to specify what it was, did
- not. Thus his total monthly expenses were given as
- $15,510.
- Oct. 12, 1986 RL married Tracy for a second time, but this time,
- for reasons unknown, Tracy used the name of Jackie
- Dianne Evans. Wedding was at the "Chapel of Love"
- in Las Vegas by Minister James B. Terrell (OR
- 0773:0431981). The recorded marriage certificate was
- sent to the Ann Greta address. (11)
- March 19, 1987 Bankruptcy final decree was issued. Final
- accounting showed $173,250 in assets (home and photo
- equipment), and $270,324 in debts. (13)
- 1988 RL met John Lear, precise date unknown. (1)
- March 16, 1988 A "Notice of Default" was issued for the Ann Greta
- house for failing to make payments from 7-1-87 and
- thereafter. The trustee of the loan declared it due
- and if not paid immediately, would be foreclosed on.
- (OR 880316:00333)(11)
- March 22, 1988 Tracy/Jackie purchased a home on LXXXXX Street in
- Las Vegas under the name "Jackie Evans".
- The home was purchased from Michael and Carolyn
- Tutay by "Jackie Evans, a married woman as her sole
- and separate property". Concurrently, RL
- quitclaimed any interests in this house to her ( OR
- 880322:124 thru 127). ( A quitclaim is a document
- transferring whatever rights or interests a property
- owner may have, if any, to another without any
- guarantee or warranty of title.) (11)
- August 4, 1988 The Ann Greta house was sold at auction by the
- trustee for $97,400 (OR 880912:262). (11)
- December 1988 RL began claimed work period at S-4. (1)
- According to Good, RL "..would be called by phone
- and told when to go to McCarran Airport, where a
- Boeing 737 (probably a 737-200 belonging to EG&G)
- would fly him and others to Groom Lake. From there,
- after waiting briefly in a cafeteria, a bus with
- blocked out windows drove the remainder of the
- journey along a dirt road to an area estimated to be
- ten to fifteen miles south of Groom Lake, adjacent
- to Papoose Lake."
- March 1989 According to Good's account, RL began initial
- interviews with George Knapp. (1)
- Per the Lindemann interview, they were done for
- "safekeeping" (2). Curiously, in a radio interview
- with Chuck Harder on the "For The People" show on
- November 17, 1989, George Knapp stated John Lear
- didn't introduce him to RL until May, 1989.
- March 22, 1989 First Wednesday night trip to Tikaboo Valley to view
- test. Observers were RL, Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff and
- John Lear, using Lear's RV. Lear was the only one
- who saw the elliptical shaped light through a
- telescope and the total sighting lasted about 7
- minutes. (1)
- March 29, 1989 Second Wednesday night trip to view test. Observers
- were RL, Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff and Jim Taliani.
- They took a videotape of a moving light with a time
- of 8:30 PM shown on the tape. (1) (2) (9)
- April 6, 1989 Third Wednesday night trip to view test. Observers
- were RL, Tracy Lazar, her sister, Gene Huff and John
- Lear. They were discovered by guards and detained
- and questioned by the Lincoln County Sheriff. (1)
- (14)
- April 7, 1989 RL's last "work day". Debriefed at Indian Springs
- Airfield. (1)
- RL says he was ordered to report to Indian Springs
- where he was interrogated about the previous night's
- activities. In Good's book RL says "I was never
- officially fired and my clearance was never
- officially taken away", but that he refused to go
- back for fear of his safety. In Lindemann's book RL
- says "I didn't actually leave, they denied my
- clearance." The reason given for the clearance
- revocation was the instability of RL's marriage to
- Tracy, who RL claims was having an affair with her
- flight instructor. (14)
- May 1989 According to sworn statements in the divorce
- records, RL separated from Tracy/Jackie. (12)
- May 1989 RL's first interviews with George Knapp were
- broadcast on Las Vegas' KLAS-TV, in silhouette,
- using the pseudonym "Dennis".
- Nov. 10, 1989 KLAS-TV, which earlier in the week began a series of
- reports by George Knapp on UFOs, identified and
- interviewed RL
- Nov. 21, 1989 RL and Gene Huff were guests on the "Billy Goodman
- Happening" radio show on KVEG 840 AM.
- Nov. 25, 1989 "UFOs: The Best Evidence" a 2 hour compilation of
- previous reports, is shown on KLAS-TV.
- Dec. 9, 1989 RL appeared on "On The Record", hosted by George
- Knapp, on KLAS-TV.
- Dec. 20, 1989 RL was a guest on the "Billy Goodman Happening"
- radio show on KVEG 840 AM.
- April 1990 RL was arrested in Las Vegas for pandering. (6)
- June 18, 1990 RL plead guilty to a felony charge of pandering in
- District Court. (6)
- According to the LV "Sun", "The guilty plea was part
- of a plea bargain in which the district attorney's
- office agreed not to pursue additional prostitution-
- related charges."
- The story in the LV "Review-Journal" said RL met
- prostitute Toni Bulloch as a customer and helped her
- set up her business in the Newport Cove apartments
- on Tamarus Street. The story also stated, "The
- records show that Lazar later helped Bulloch in
- setting up the business, that he did indeed keep
- computer records of customers, and that he also took
- at least a 50 percent share of her fees. Lazar was
- also interested in recruiting other women into the
- operation, the records state."
- July 25, 1990 RL is divorced from Tracy/Jackie (Case D 130180).
- (12)
- According to the proceedings of the case, RL
- received the house on LXXXXX Street and any
- equipment and/or revenue from his businesses known
- as "Jet Processing", "United Nuclear" and "Red Light
- Racing". Tracy/Jackie received a pickup truck and
- various furniture and audio-video items. The
- proceedings also identified both marriages (i.e.,
- first as Tracy and again as Jackie) and directed
- that Tracy/Jackie would retain the name "Tracy
- Lazar".
- August 20, 1990 As a result of his pandering conviction, RL was
- sentenced to 6 months probation, 150 hours of
- community service, ordered to undergo psychotherapy
- and to stay away from brothels. (7)
- The article in the LV "Review-Journal" said that
- although "state parole and probation authorities had
- recommended a four month prison evaluation of
- Lazar", the prosecutor, John Lukens, said that the
- circumstances of the case were such that "Metro vice
- and the DA have no opposition to probation." The
- article also said the court received letters
- supporting RL from George Knapp and Representative
- James Bilbray, D-Nevada.
- Sept. 13, 1990 "Jackie Evans Lazar" quitclaims house on LXXXXX
- Street to RL, thus transferring ownership to him.
- (OR 900913:00477) (11)
- Dec. 12, 1990 The IRS places a $4,897 lien on RL for taxes (OR
- 901213:608). (11)
- May 1, 1993 RL speaks at the "Ultimate UFO Seminar" held at the
- Little A-Le-Inn in Rachel, Nevada. (14)
- June 11, 1993 "Daily Variety", an entertainment industry newspaper
- reports "New Line Nabs Pic Based on Gov't UFO
- Scientist". Excerpts from the story:
- "The life story of former U.S. government scientist
- Bob Lazar that was recently put into turnaround by
- Gruber-Peters Prods. has been put on an earthly fast
- track by New Line Cinema for director Chuck Russell,
- according to Michael De Luca, New Line's exec
- veepee/CEO."
- "New Line finalized the deal for the untitled film
- on Wednesday after Lazar considered competing offers
- from producer Steve Tisch, Simpson-Bruckheimer
- Prods. and actor Steven Seagal, De Luca said."
- "De Luca said the pic will have an $8 million to $10
- million budget and will shoot in fall or early `94
- with a `94 release."
- In the above "OR" means Official Record of the County Recorder's
- office.
- The dates shown reflect the precision with which they are known.
- Precise dates are used whenever possible.
- Per Lindemann in "UFOs and The Alien Presence, 6 Viewpoints", RL has
- been granted patents. Areas unknown.
- Per Timothy Good, RL worked at S-4 only 6 or 7 days between December
- 1988 and April 1989. Per RL at Rachel-93, he flew in between 4 and
- 5 PM, and left by 11 PM. Therefore, his total employed hours at S-4
- must be 49 hours or less, or just over the equivalent of one week's
- work.
- (1) "Alien Contact" by Timothy Good, published by William
- Morrow and Co., 1993 (AKA "Alien Liaison")
- (2) "UFOs and The Alien Presence, 6 Viewpoints" by
- Michael Lindemann, 1991. Published by the 2020 Group,
- 3463 State Street, Box 264, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
- (3) Los Alamos Monitor, June 27, 1982, page A1, "LA Man
- Joins the Jet Set - at 200 Miles an Hour". This document
- is only available for on-site inspection and copying at
- the offices of the Monitor, 256 DP Road, Los Alamos, NM
- 87544. (505) 662-4185. This story has been transcribed
- and placed on the Internet.
- (4) Las Vegas Sun, April 23, 1986, Page 8B, "Obituaries".
- Available on microfilm at the offices of the Sun or
- numerous libraries.
- (5) Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 23, 1986, Page 2B,
- "Deaths". Available on microfilm at the offices of the R-
- J or numerous libraries.
- (6) Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 19, 1990, Page 8B,
- "Source in Channel 8's UFO series pleads guilty to
- pandering charge". Available on microfilm at the offices
- of the R-J or numerous libraries.
- (7) Las Vegas Review-Journal, August 21, 1990, Page 2C,
- "Judge gives UFO `witness' Lazar probation on pandering
- charge". Available on microfilm at the offices of the R-
- J or numerous libraries.
- (8) "UFO's, The Best Evidence", video by George Knapp.
- Available from "Video Dave" at the UFO Audio-Video
- Clearing House, PO Box 342, Yucaipa, CA 92399, (909) 795-
- 3361. Call for details and prices.
- (9) "The Lazar Tape", video by Tri-Dot Productions, 1324
- S. Eastern, Las Vegas, NV 89104. This tape had been
- available at a price of $29.95 + $3.50 S&H. A newer,
- slightly more expensive version with enhanced production
- values is the final stages.
- (10) Public records, Los Angeles County
- Registrar/Recorder/Clerk's office., 12400 E. Imperial
- Highway, Norwalk, CA. (Marriage certificates are $13
- each,: 310 462-2137) (Real estate documents are $2 for
- the 1st page and $0.50 for each page thereafter: 310 462-
- 2133)
- (11) Public records, Clark County Recorder's office, 309
- S. 3rd Street, (or PO Box 551510) Las Vegas, NV 89155-
- 1510. (702) 455-4336. Cost for Official Records is
- $1.00 per page. Certified marriage certificates are
- $7.00.
- (12) Public records, Clark County Clerk's office, 200 S.
- 3rd Street (or PO Box 551601) Las Vegas, NV 89155-
- 1601.(702) 455-4411. Cost varies per document. Call.
- (13) Public records, Case BK 86-01623, US Federal
- Bankruptcy Court, Las Vegas.(702) 388-6257. Cost for
- bankruptcy papers is a $25.00 retrieval fee and about
- $8.00 for copying the roughly 120 pages of information.
- (14) Public question and answer session by RL on May 1,
- 1993 at Rachel, Nevada. "Bob Lazar at The Ultimate UFO
- Seminar" transcript available from Glenn Campbell, HCR
- Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. Cost is $8.00 plus $2.00
- postage (Overseas airmail is $5.00).
- (15) Personal correspondence with Stanton Friedman, dated
- June 27, 1994. Quoted with permission.
- (16) Documentation of Glenn Campbell's search for RL's
- records and instructor at MIT is available from him at
- HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. Include $1.00 for copying
- and postage (This info is included as part of reference
- 14).